Monday, February 25, 2013

Letter to Jadyn (8 Months)

Dearest Jadyn

I have loved you since the moment I knew I was pregnant. It’s amazing how you already had a little personality before you were born. You used to wriggle a LOT, even although you were trapped under my rib cage. The nurses and I always had a good chuckle as you did not like the CTG monitors.

Since the moment you were born you've had such an inner joy that lights up your face and all those around you. What a blessing you are my precious child. Never lose that inner Joy it is a gift from the Lord. You have the most magnetic personality and people are just drawn to you - such a delight! You haven’t been well for the last week - first cold, but even through that (and I know you're feeling rotten) you just smiled your way through it. You take after your grandfather that way, such a rare and beautiful trait.

You have the softest voice. My favourite time is in the mornings when you wake up before me. You’d lie awake in your cot and "kew" away, ever so contently. I think that word describes you most - content! Your dad has that quality - hold it close to your heart, it too is a precious gift. Then when I would go over to pick you up, you’d look straight into my eyes and give me the biggest grin in the world, like all your Christmases’ have come at once - what a delight and a brilliant way to begin the day!

You are a brilliant eater... when you're not distracted by the TV, yip my little TV addict! If I tried to feed you and you couldn’t see the TV you would fuss BIG time and no matter where you were, each time I would pick you up, you’d scan the room for the television - very cute.

I love feeding you at night when you dream feed. You’d open your mouth so wide and grab the bottle so fiercely that you’d almost smack it right out my hand. Then you’d hold on so tight like its life or death. You fit so snugly into my lap with your legs hanging over mine, dangling so freely. You are so precious to me my angel.

If ever you wonder about your name know this. I named you Jadyn, firstly because it means 'The Lord heard our prayer' and secondly, you're named after your great grandmother (grand dad's mom) she was such an amazing woman of God. One of my few regrets in life is that I never made the effort to know her better.

This brings me to a few life lessons I want to share with you.

Regret. You will regret the things you don’t do far more than the things you actually do. So live life to the full, take chances and embrace life. It's definitely worth the living! See the world and explore new things. Keep an open mind and don’t judge others, you never know where you would be if you had walked in their shoes.

But above all of this keep the Lord tucked safely in your heart. Guard, embrace, cherish and nurture your relationship with the Lord. Stay close to him and no matter where life may take you; know you can rest safely under His wing. Always know that no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in, or how far you feel from the Lord, He is ALWAYS right next to you, He will NEVER leave you, you just need to turn around and you'll find Him right there. Your Aunt Meridy said something so precious when you were first born which I pray to this day "May the Lord send his angels to watch over you while you rest in the palm of His hand"

As for your dad, he is an amazing man - honestly one of a kind. I married him because for the first time I met someone where if I looked into our future I could not see what it would be like. And let me tell you, it's been a fantastic adventure! Although we may fight or argue, there has not been a single day that we have not laughed or said how much we love each other. Ours is an easy relationship, like breathing... Sure I had my ideas growing up about the type of man I wanted to marry; your father didn’t meet any of the criteria (barring his sense of humour). But that taught me a fantastic lesson - "All I know is that I know nothing" The Lord will have the perfect guy for you, so don’t limit Him with preconceived ideas, He knows you better than you know yourself!

Your father has also taught and continues to try and teach me not to worry. That everything will work it's self out in the end. Not many people in life practice this, but he does and every day it’s a marvel to watch. He's also taught me to lighten up a bit and not take life too seriously. He's a constant in an ever changing world. And behind all is jokes and carefree spirit he's the rock this family is built on. Treasure him.

My precious daughter, know that you are loved. And no matter what may come your way in life we are ALWAYS here for you with no judgement. Just unconditional love. Jadyn, I have been so blessed to have you in my life and I just can’t wait to get to know the wonderful woman I know you're going to grow up to be. I'm so proud of you.

Love you today and forever

Mom xoxo